amateur category

Leech Therapy Revisited (Single)
Leeches supposedly address maladies in the body by sucking "bad blood.” A therapy was described to me in Iran where a doctor would place a noose around a woman’s neck until she passed out. When veins appeared on the patient's forehead, the doctor would cut one & the patient would bleed ~1-2 cups. The people who took me to the leech clinic in Iran believed that the treatment helped with problems related to a woman's womb and/or loss of a baby. As I have a blood disease that causes inflammation in multiple systems (including my uterus), I've been researching a variety of medical options around the world. Two years after my trip to Iran, I started to create a photo series about my medical condition & began to include representations from earlier experiences. This is one of the photos from that project.
(can't get this to format correctly here for some reason) Here is my link to my CV:
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