amateur category

Self-Renaissance (Single)
As an artist, Christopher Sherriff was inspired by his grandfather, who painted oils from cousin Edward Sherriff Curtis’ (1868 – 1952) Native American photographs. While serving in the U.S. Army, Christopher worked as a photojournalist. He began formal studies in college and was awarded a scholarship to work in Israel as archaeological site photographer at Tel Mikal. An adventure of a lifetime, the “lost city in the jungle”, El Mirador, Guatemala awaited when Sherriff became the official photographer for the first and the second expeditions into the Mayan metropolis. Delving into North American and family heritage, Sherriff worked as a documentary photographer and instructor at the Red School House, a Native American survival school in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was a contributing photographer in the Princeton University Press anthology, “The Photograph and the American Indian”, by Alfred L. Bush and Lee Clark Mitchell. Pivoting then to technology, Sherriff recorded hundreds of thousands of images from some of the world’s leading medical institutions, as well as the United Nations, while working as senior editor for a company which produced laser videodiscs. He retired from building FAA certified flight simulators. He is a proven technician, craftsman and artist.
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