amateur category

Johanna (Single)
I was using more or less classical style of portreture.My aim was to show that the object of my study a young girl,. we always look at children as somebody who is unable to judge and to estimate environment and what you can see.But as my granddaughter said to me, and that was a push on,' Adult underestimate us and think we do not see do not understand much.It is wrong.' I wanted to use this contrast of classic studio picture and psychological portrait. I know this girl for a long time, she is growing into a special person. I used warm colours to contrast her complexion, to contrast serious expression and childishness...I ask her to take her favourite toy and it is there to underline her personality of a child.
Born and bread in St.Petersburg.Now based in Norway.Having used camera for over 40 years.My work is always based around classic portrait and landscape photography.
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