amateur category

Love letter to my natural daughter (Single)
This photo was taken to let my daughter know that she is beautiful. She is art. I want her to love every bit of herself, and never let anyone get in her head enough that she looses that. This is for my daughter. This is for your daughter.
I fell in love with art, all forms of it at a very young age. Photography is a gift that was passed onto me from my paternal grandfather. I admired his and others work for years and finally purchased my first camera in 2009 when I was 19. I began with capturing images of animals and then after a traumatizing incident, took a break from art altogether for a few years. In 2013 I purchased another camera, as I had sold my first one, and began shooting again. I found my air again. I find beauty in people, animals, nature, objects, etc. I believe that anything can be inspiration and I use that to drive me. I want to make people think and feel with my photos. I want them to smile, laugh, cry, get angry, and more. I want to continue my work until my last breathe. I actually wonder what a photo in that moment would look like. Hmmmmm
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