Peter Dorfberg combines artistic and technical photography interests. His interpretation of art and documentary photography remains a classic approach to aesthetic and timeless vision, with properly framed images and preserved proportions using natural light. These photographic rules are frequently broken in his suggestive and provocative sensual images that invite the observer’s own imaginative references.
In portrait and editorial photography, he aspires to create works reflecting the beauty, elegance and mystery of the integrated entities of the soul and body, with a view to illustrating their innermost fantasies and desires, portrayed in a sensual way.
In the field of documentary photography, he takes close portraits, generally using a wide-angle lens, enabling direct penetration into the photographed world, in order to outline the ethereal and emotional nature of people. While traveling extensively and visiting many countries worldwide, he has interacted with ordinary people in all their facets, including social and cultural backgrounds.
He works on a digital medium using photo-essays, although in specific fine-art projects he applies an analog medium, which, as an old form of communication, conveys emotions in a more neutral and raw form.
amateur category

Triangles (Single)
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