amateur category

Point of Ayr (Single)
I had strong wind during this shoot at North coast of Wales. To get the camera stable during this Long exposure, i had to cover the tripod with my Body against the wind. To smooth out the sand traces and Show the movement of the dark rain Clouds, I used big blocker filter.
Get up early, get out, chasing light, feeling cold, geting wet, searching, swear, carry on and perhaps after allrejoice, forget everthing else, but never regret. You have always the moment, even if not on memory card.
Not only capture the visible. Show the invisble and display the Always unique mood in nature through mypictures. That`s my goal.
My name is Lars Bergmann. I photograph.
Not only capture the visible. Show the invisble and display the Always unique mood in nature through mypictures. That`s my goal.
My name is Lars Bergmann. I photograph.
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