amateur category

Life on the streets (Single)
Street vending is an essential part of city life, some street vendors have been selling drinks and food for over 30 years or even longer.Sidewalk is not only a place for them to make money, it's like an open home where they sleep, eat and even smoke bamboo water pipe to relax while waiting for customers.
I am a hobbyist photographer who enjoys taking photographs and love the artistic freedom that it gives me.I am like a painter without paintbrush,my eyes and camera are the tools to paint a beautiful picture.I love photography because it has the power to evoke my emotions and in people when they look at my photos.Photography has influenced and changed the way I see the world.
2017 Achievements in photography:
13) 10th Annual Black & White Spider Awards, Honorable Mention in Architecture Category (Amateur).
14) IPA 2017, 1st place winner in Advertising Food Category (Amateur).
15) Holland Herald Photo Competition, in flight Magazine winner for February Issue.
16) Black & White Single Image Contest, single contest winner and photo published in Special Issue #119 B&W Magazine.
17) Photographer's Forum, Finalist in Best of Photography Contest.
18) Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA), nominee in Series Fine Art and Architecture Category (Amateur).
2018 Achievements in photography:
19) 11th Annual International Color Awards, Honorable Mention and Nominee in Food Category.
20) 12th Annual Black & White Spider Awards, Honorable Mention in Architecture Category (Amateur).
21) PX3 Awards, Bronze Winner in Food Category.
22) Monochrome Awards, Honorable Mention in Nature Category
23) 12th Annual Black
2017 Achievements in photography:
13) 10th Annual Black & White Spider Awards, Honorable Mention in Architecture Category (Amateur).
14) IPA 2017, 1st place winner in Advertising Food Category (Amateur).
15) Holland Herald Photo Competition, in flight Magazine winner for February Issue.
16) Black & White Single Image Contest, single contest winner and photo published in Special Issue #119 B&W Magazine.
17) Photographer's Forum, Finalist in Best of Photography Contest.
18) Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA), nominee in Series Fine Art and Architecture Category (Amateur).
2018 Achievements in photography:
19) 11th Annual International Color Awards, Honorable Mention and Nominee in Food Category.
20) 12th Annual Black & White Spider Awards, Honorable Mention in Architecture Category (Amateur).
21) PX3 Awards, Bronze Winner in Food Category.
22) Monochrome Awards, Honorable Mention in Nature Category
23) 12th Annual Black
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