Subject and context: Dasycaris zamzibarica, Living in Black coral/whip coral and mostly in pairs and the female is twice the size of males. They have variation color like white or green deepens on the whip coral. Size 1.5 cm
Story: This picture has been taken in Lembeh, the background has been set up underwater in order to achieve the "Dust" effect, extra handed torches have been necessary to illuminate the background set up, as well as a shallow DOF. I have used magnification lens to achieve the details of the shrimp, making it pop up.
Equipment: Canon 7D Mark II, Canon macro 100mm IS USM+Nauticam SMC-1(wet lens), housing: Hugyfot, Strobes 2x Sea&Sea YS-D1, 2 BigBlue RGB White torches.
amateur category

Fairy dust (Single)
Spanish Primary school teacher whose hearth belong to the sea
1st and 3rd Prize Salon International de la Plongée - Paris 2018, Category B&W
1st and 3rd Prize Salon International de la Plongée - Paris 2018, Category B&W
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