Subject and context: Achaeus sp. - Decorated spider crab. This little crab, has covered itself with living cnidarian polyps for camouflage and protection while standing on a sponge. Size 3 cm
Story: This picture has been taken in Lembeh at night, we can look at the polyps completely open... time for feeding and hunting!
The pose of this crab on the sponge, remind me of a ring with jewels and pearls all around it.
Equipment: Canon 7D Mark II, Canon macro 100 mm IS USM+Nauticam SMC-1(wet lens), housing: Hugyfot, Strobes 2x Sea&Sea YS-D1.
amateur category

Wedding ring (Single)
Spanish Primary school teacher whose hearth belong to the sea
1st and 3rd Prize Salon International de la Plongée - Paris 2018, Category B&W
1st and 3rd Prize Salon International de la Plongée - Paris 2018, Category B&W
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