amateur category

First Encounter (Single)
A newborn Piping Plover -- just hours old -- meets the photographers gaze curiously and confidently. Despite its diminutive size -- no more than two inches including legs -- and precarious position in the world (Piping Plovers are endangered and are currently the subject of many protective programs up and dow the Atlantic Seaboard) this tiny baby is ready to meet it all head on, with joy, in the wild, sharing our world with us.
Gillian Overholser is a former television journalist now creating Fine Art Nature Photography on Plum Island, MA. Her primary interest is Bird Portraiture -- that is, treating wild birds as unique souls, just as worthy of Fine Art portraiture as any other creature. Given a chance to see each wild bird's unique personality, we are invited to share this world more gently with all creatures, and all souls.
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