professional category
Big Sky Nights (Series)
From a crescent moon over an abandoned, prairie homestead, to the summer Milky Way and Mars above alien-like limestone formations, Montana offers as much variety to shoot at night as it does during the day. I love capturing the night sky, often spending hours alone in remote country, looking up into the universe, always with wonder. Whether I'm along the shores of an alpine lake or standing in cactus-studded plains, I've never stared into the night sky with feeling a connectedness to all those who've done it before me.
I have made a lifetime of exploring the natural world, always attempting to show the beauty of what lies around us all on Earth. I've won an honorable mention in the 2017 National Wildlife Federation photo contest, had a photo featured as the photo of the day during the 2016 Smithsonian photo contest, have sold work to many magazines, and also had two Montana-based novels published.
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