professional category

My name is... (Single)
My name is ... I wanted to capture my personal rediscovery.
My name is Carolina Plaz.
I'm a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience.
I am and live in Venezuela, where I have cultivated a distinguished career in capturing memorable moments.
My skills have been internationally recognized with prestigious awards in competitions such as the Baby Photo Awards, AFNS Awards, Foodelia, Portrait Awards and BIFA.
I love to immortalize beauty and emotions in every image.
I'm a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience.
I am and live in Venezuela, where I have cultivated a distinguished career in capturing memorable moments.
My skills have been internationally recognized with prestigious awards in competitions such as the Baby Photo Awards, AFNS Awards, Foodelia, Portrait Awards and BIFA.
I love to immortalize beauty and emotions in every image.
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