professional category
Concealment (Series)
Concealment of the human body has always been a significant consideration from the dawn of civilization up to the rise of technology. The objectivity of such issue becomes problematic when it comes to women in every region. The covering and the clothing of a female body indicate the cultural origins, social caste, and the political and religious atmosphere surrounding that woman. In case of being an Iranian woman, it is more paradoxical. Through the course of history in Iran, this issue has had a lot of Ups and Downs, especially in the last century from the time they were banned from veil in public, to the time they are forced to keep Hijab as an obligation. If I am forced to Conceal myself, I wished nature had done his work in the first place.
Maryam Firuzi is a multimedia artist; from her youth, she became interested in literature and drawing, and professionally started to practice Persian Calligraphy to achieve Its Fine Degree. Because of her Diploma in mathematics, she studied Software Engineering and right after receiving her bachelor she applied for Art University in Tehran, and received her second bachelor and a master degree in Cinema and Film Studies. The art of moving pictures provided her the multimedia atmosphere and ability to experience with her favorite art forms like painting and photography. Her most crucial concern which is seen in her art is to challenge the art-form itself. Her thesis which was selected as the best thesis of the year, “Self-reflexivity in Cinema,” was a theoretical effort to question the media before trying to make it sense. Parallel to this critical approach, the other issues she shows interest in is femininity, freedom, and Female Voice in the society. Receiving award (peace Medal) from Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018, Austrian, Vienna
Participating in some Group Exhibitions in Iran,Malaysia,Albania and ...
Solo Photography Exhibition in Saless gallery, Tehran, Iran,2017
Participating in some Group Exhibitions in Iran,Malaysia,Albania and ...
Solo Photography Exhibition in Saless gallery, Tehran, Iran,2017
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