Theres a special kind of light, only found in Morocco, early in the morning. These pieces were shot looking out to sea from Banana Beach, a surf spot south of Tagazot in north west Morocco. The sun was still behind the horizon and the light was amazing.
I was getting some funny looks and a load of smiles from the local fishermen, who were walking home after a night fishing on the nearby reef because to shoot these photos involves a slow shutter, and a-lot of me spinning around and usually falling over through dizziness.
professional category
Moroccan Mornings (Series)
I always seem to get wet shooting photos, but then thats half the fun. I've been photing stuff from when I was small, and kept going and now that I'm big, I'm still shooting. I've worked for so many different people and publications, its hard to put them all here. Its mainly newspapers and magazines, but in my spare time, I shoot people, landscapes, surfing, food and whatever I see infront of me, and like I said, I always seem to get wet.
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