professional category

Ocean is not only ours (Single)
Our ocean is under pollution. Single-use plastic wraps, plastic bottles, foam and oil toxic etc., tons of plastic and waste rushed to the sea and threatening marine lives. This photograph is captured in Hong Kong, one of the famous seashore Asian city. Fishes are swimming beside the floating trashes and oil stink. I hope my photo can remind people that it is urgent to set a top priority and keeping our oceans clean, and it is not only ours.
Janet S.H. Choi graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University in Master of Visual Art and majored in Photography at Emily Carr University in Canada. Choi is currently working as a clinical photographer at the hospital under the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Centre. Everyday wandering between the boundary of medical and art, thinking about the relationship between photography and daily life. Choi thinks that whether it is narrative reportage, emotional expression or living application, photography, in general, is marking traces, for people to experience. Recent activities include Join Exhibition - "Where Wind and Water Goes?"(2018), "Out of Touch"(2017), "Left Against Right" (2016), "NgongPing Tea Garden Art Fair" (2015), "Grounded: Ping Yeung School of Art (Ping Che Contemporary Art Exhibition" (2014), "Photographer’s Plastic Surgery Experience Plan" (2013), and "a five sense delivery" joint exhibition (2013) etc.
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