professional category

The footballer (Single)
The photograph was captured in the backstreets of a little Spanish town, Altea. The image "The footballer" is part of the series "Lost in Spain", where detail lies within architectural structures and anonymous passers-by.
Ragnar B. Varga is an accomplished Hungarian-born Norwegian fine art photographer.
He spent several years discovering the world, living in London, Hungary, Spain and even sailing around the globe as a cruise ship photographer before returning to Norway. The energy and character of all these places have profoundly influenced his art.
Varga has a clear vision for his work and a common voice that he uses in his approach. His photographs share an engaged sense of interactions between people and their environments. The images have a wonderful amount of personality, the structures of his scenes energize the eye and capture something that would easily go missed or overlooked. His passion for photography provides an incredible amount of human connection, and it’s clear that he cares deeply about the images that he is making. Describing his work, he says: “My work is a profound contemplation of the world around us. It slows down time and captures a moment of stillness in a chaotic world.”
Ragnar B. currently lives in Bergen, Norway.
He spent several years discovering the world, living in London, Hungary, Spain and even sailing around the globe as a cruise ship photographer before returning to Norway. The energy and character of all these places have profoundly influenced his art.
Varga has a clear vision for his work and a common voice that he uses in his approach. His photographs share an engaged sense of interactions between people and their environments. The images have a wonderful amount of personality, the structures of his scenes energize the eye and capture something that would easily go missed or overlooked. His passion for photography provides an incredible amount of human connection, and it’s clear that he cares deeply about the images that he is making. Describing his work, he says: “My work is a profound contemplation of the world around us. It slows down time and captures a moment of stillness in a chaotic world.”
Ragnar B. currently lives in Bergen, Norway.
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