professional category

Baywatch (Single)
This photo is captured in Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary Rajasthan India in the season of cold I visit this place every year. I enter the park early in the morning whole day spending time in the park and come out of the park in the evening I used to observe there was a place where some group of monkeys sitting and they used to stick each other and set due to very cold weather to get warmth of each others body everyday they used to set in different different patterns or the the way of sitting used to change and some days they not even used to set there the reason behind that was the weather as the weather use to change they used to set accordingly one day there was very cold and they all were sitting very very close to each other and sat for a long period of time the challenging part was they use to sit in very low light as a light use to come they used to move away from there so it was very hard to capture them in a proper light
I have been awarded from Environmental Forum of India, Saevus-Yes Bank Award, Vir Bhagat Singh Award, Marathwada Bhushan, RBS - Sanctuary award for the Best Wildlife Photographer - 2010 , Cannon Photographer of the year, Wild Maharashtra Photographer of the Year, WWF, Picasso . n w f.17th Biennial FIAP Nature World Cup Bronze Medal. BigPicture san francisco , International Garden Photographer of the International Color Awards.c and many more national and International Awards.
and I also like to paint.
and I also like to paint.
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