professional category

Ray of Light (Single)
This photo is taken at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary Rajasthan India this is one of the most beautiful parks in India I frequently visit this place this is one of my most favourite place in India there is lots of scope for doing creative work and innovative thinking, in the month of November and December this place is full of foggy weather sometimes you get sunlight and sometimes you don't then I started observing 10 days I did survey where will I get the perfect sun light due to cold weather in the morning Birds sit on the top of the trees to get sunlight I was very much fortunate that I got this perfect image with goodlight, Birds butterflies and dramatic light I was really lucky to capture this image
I have been awarded from Environmental Forum of India, Saevus-Yes Bank Award, Vir Bhagat Singh Award, Marathwada Bhushan, RBS - Sanctuary award for the Best Wildlife Photographer - 2010 , Cannon Photographer of the year, Wild Maharashtra Photographer of the Year, WWF, Picasso . n w f.17th Biennial FIAP Nature World Cup Bronze Medal. BigPicture san francisco , International Garden Photographer of the International Color Awards.c and many more national and International Awards.
and I also like to paint.
and I also like to paint.
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