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mother`s love | lions khwai concession moremi game reserve | botswana 2017 (Single)
Mother`s love – incredible how lions take care of their little ones. During this trip I had the opportunity to see quite some lions, a couple of times in the Central Kalahari as well as in the Khwai private concession. Lions do take care up to 2 years of little males until they finally kick them out. Females normally stay within the group and enlarge the hunting pack. At first glance lions appear as brutal killing cats and of course they are the most dangerous predator in Africa and of course I don`t want to bump into them on foot, but they are also so much more. Lions are loving parents, females are taking care of the babies, even if they are not their babies, brother take care of each other and even form alliances. Lion social structures are complex and with lots of love, but of course also death. Nature is tough in Africa not only for the hunted ones but also for the predators.
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