amateur category

Sabi002 (Single)
Sabi “Aged and withered, rich and flamboyant, two conflicting ideas attract and interact with each other in a same universe, result in enlivening the universe itself. Sabi is a double structured form of beauty arising from one’s streaming mind in relation to such enlivened universe.” Encyclopedia Nipponica With this series, I explored the concept of Sabi, an idea peculiar to Japanese aesthetics, by means of photography. I am capturing the paradoxical beauty created by unexpected collaborations of human, nature and time.
Having strong interests in Japanese traditional aesthetics, Akishige Kano practiced traditional plant dyeing and hand weaving at dyeing atelier in Kyoto for 2 years. Then in order to pursue his interest, he entered Kyoto University of Art and Design, where he studied dyeing and weaving for 2 years. Wanting to broaden his means of expression, Kano transferred to Photography course and studied for 3 years before graduation.
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