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External Canvas Project (Series)
The External Canvas Project is a series encouraging the redefinition of self expression in a language better understood by the generational youth of today. The face is the center of how we as humans read and communicate to each other, yet our faces are limited to showing only a mere 21 emotions out of the countless us empathetic beings feel throughout our lives. Diving deeper into other forms of expression that give a better description of what us humans are trying to tell, I chose to use the body as an external canvas to drape, pose, and manipulate in ways that show snippets of what our infinite minds encapsulate. Choosing to hide the face(s) in each photo, I wanted to express that it is time for our youth to not judge based on what the physical form looks like, but to interpret what it can present when emphasized differently and shown in a new form. These five photos each tell a different story that is left up to interpretation of the viewer. Capturing various races, genders, sexualities, tonalities, and deeper textures, each photo brings a sense of connection and home that can be related to on more levels than one.
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