Motels are scary at night. But also exciting.
Everyone closes his curtain. You lie in bed and try not to imagine what the noise is coming from outside.
Or why someone is so close to your door. So many different stories happening in one place.
On my photo one of these stories is supposed to be told and only those affected really know what it's about.
I took this photo in my room in the basement.
I built a 35x35 inch model with the help of a laser cutter, painted it and added some small lamps.
amateur category
Somewhere (Single)
2017 - today: Design studies - Photography, CGI, CGO - Technische Hochschule, Nuremberg
2014/15 Diploma - study of Digital Cinematography - Bayerische Akademie für Fernsehen, Munich
2017 - today: Design studies - Photography, CGI, CGO - Technische Hochschule, Nuremberg
2014/15 Diploma - study of Digital Cinematography - Bayerische Akademie für Fernsehen, Munich
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