Venus is a part of a global project called Intima-see, which includes several series. Through my gaze, this project highlights in an aesthetic way some called ordinary people. Sharing a piece of their privacy is a way for me to subliminate a part of their humanity, a way to catch a piece of their personality and their way of life.
I systematically meet the persons that I want to work with, so that I can know them a little more. We exchange about what is important for them. This inspires me and helps me to find a working angle. It can be an emotion, a passion, a place. Those elements of life can be my keys to open the doors of creativity.
About the Venus session, the shooting took place at the apartment's model called Perrine. She is passionate about cinema and owns a video projector that was used during the photoshoot. I am also a cinema lover and the idea of adding some projected images during the session meant a lot to me.
Thoses images on her naked body are extracted from the movie "Freaks". One the main character is called Venus, that explains the title's choice.
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Intima-see Venus (Series)
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