The title for this series is‘Apples and Bananas: Blue Prints’ Apples and Bananas starts with A and B, and it may remind many things to many people. For me, they remind me of beginning, may be because of Eve of Eden, and of the famous baby food. 6 small photographs resuling from Cyano type printing, 3 apples and 3 bananas, are presented in one big digital photograph taken in blueish environment.
At first, there are 12 sticks not yet being able to form planes.Gradually sticks separate themselves from one another, building a frame for a box. This series is a prequal for my former project, "Memory Box : Things and Facts". Cyano type printing were used for blueprints in the old days. Plans to build something fit well with this series, which is to form a skeleton for a Memory Box when one is young.
amateur category
Apples and Bananas : Blue Prints (Series)
Fine Art Photography Awards, Nominee in Open Theme, 2019.
International Photography Awards Honorable Mention 2018, and 2019.
ND Awards Honorable Mention 2018, and 2019.
Tokyo International Foto Awards Silver Prize 2018, Honorable Mentions 2018 and 2019
Moscow International Foto Awards Honorable Mention 2019.
I have passion for photography. I especially like to visualize what cannot be seen.
International Photography Awards Honorable Mention 2018, and 2019.
ND Awards Honorable Mention 2018, and 2019.
Tokyo International Foto Awards Silver Prize 2018, Honorable Mentions 2018 and 2019
Moscow International Foto Awards Honorable Mention 2019.
I have passion for photography. I especially like to visualize what cannot be seen.
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