professional category

ORBIS (Single)
ORBIS - Between stimulus and response there is a space, power, life, emotion, action. In that space is a power to chose our response. Freedom...
Ana Joveva is MSc. Engineer Architect and Designer and Professional Photographer. She has more than 25 years experience, working on different public buildings projects and establishing interiors and brands of public space. Last 10 years she is working as a consultant and expert for new public hospital building projects in the Middle East and her own country. She obtained her experience in few countries such as Israel, Switzerland, Germany, and Kuwait. Her passions are modern engineering trends in architecture, digital photography and professional playing the piano. Her work was published in some local and international magazines, also in International Art Photography “Lens Magazine” Masters in B&W competition The Big Black and White issue no. 80, May 2021. She is mother of one daughter, and wife of Head of State University clinic for Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery, Professor and Surgeon Dr. Sasko Jovev. Moto: Forget everything; just do not forget you are humanity! She receives First place Golden pangea in SIPA contest in 2022, more than 750 acceptances, and many awards in international FIAP and PSA contest. She received many other international awards such as ND Bronze award winner, IPA nominations, 6-th and FAPA nomination, Colour Awards and more.
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