professional category

Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque (Single)
The Grand Mosque of Sheik Zayed in Abu Dhabi, designed by Syrian architect Yousef Abdelky.
Born June 25, 1983, son of art, shows a propensity as a child and a great affinity with images and audio-visual arts, especially fascinated by photography, cinema and music. He starts taking his first photographs from the earliest memories. Around 16 years directs his photographic passion towards Reportage Social, thanks mainly to the numerous trips around the world undertaken with parents. Gradually located so their own style, in constant evolution, thanks to the chameleonic characteristic of his photographic language, mainly related to its different moods, characterized by the portrait in a social perspective, taken in natural environment, with the 'exclusive use of the available light without ever build or alter the story or 'image. Both black and white for the color applied in the digital postproduction of his photos, as "modus operandi", only the techniques used also in the darkroom. Various exhibition in international and Italian museum and gallery. Member of the Order of Journalists and for several years worked with the Graffiti Photography School and Graffiti Press Agency di Roma
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