professional category
Dichromasie (Series)
Dichromacy or dichromatopsia is a partial color blindness in which only two types of cones are active in the retina of the eye. Therefore, patients with dichromatopsia can not make certain color distinctions. I wanted to break down the architecture so to the minimum that it looks like graphics with just white and turquoise. It shows just the architecture with nothing else than the facade. It should looks like the idea of the arcitekt it self.
2016 - Award: Finalist, ICC-Award, Paris
2019 - Award: Lazi-Award
2020 - Award: Fine Art Photography Award, Architektur
2020 - Award: Siena Awards, Italien
2020 - Award: Monovision Awards, Honorable Mention
2020 - Award: Minimalist Photography Award, Honorable Mention, Architecture
2021 - Award: Architecture MasterPrize Winner - Professional APMP
2016 - Exhibition: ICC-Award, Paris
2017 - Exhibition: Private-Vernissage, Esslingen
2018 - Exhibition: Young-Proffessionals, Zingst
2019 - Exhibition: 6/4 Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart
2020 - Exhibition: Chania International Photo Festival , Griechenland
2020 - Exhibition: Siena Awards, Italien
2019 - Award: Lazi-Award
2020 - Award: Fine Art Photography Award, Architektur
2020 - Award: Siena Awards, Italien
2020 - Award: Monovision Awards, Honorable Mention
2020 - Award: Minimalist Photography Award, Honorable Mention, Architecture
2021 - Award: Architecture MasterPrize Winner - Professional APMP
2016 - Exhibition: ICC-Award, Paris
2017 - Exhibition: Private-Vernissage, Esslingen
2018 - Exhibition: Young-Proffessionals, Zingst
2019 - Exhibition: 6/4 Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart
2020 - Exhibition: Chania International Photo Festival , Griechenland
2020 - Exhibition: Siena Awards, Italien
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