professional category

Beauty from the Hellish Bushfires (Single)
For several months now Australia has been suffering the worst bush fires in living memory. Scores of people have been killed and thousands of buildings destroyed. With numerous large fires active across the country, smoke from fires, even fires many hundreds of kilometres away were choking cities, including Sydney. This photo of the Sydney Opera House was taken in early January 2020, at the height of the bush fire season. On this particular morning, I couldn't help but be in awe of the beauty provided by the mix of smoke and fog. It gave the city an eerie white mist that lingered on way past when the fog would normally rise, choking the city all day round and putting a beautiful spin on the Hellish Bush fires!
Gordon is an award winning Photojournalist working for Australias biggest Newspaper, The Sunday Telegraph as their Senior Overnight News Photographer. Every Friday night he is out there capturing any newsworthy stories for publication online and in the hard copy newspaper
In recent years he has found a personal passion for Cityscapes and Landscapes often posting his work on various Facebook forums and his favouite is posting on instagram (@ausnewshound)
In recent years he has found a personal passion for Cityscapes and Landscapes often posting his work on various Facebook forums and his favouite is posting on instagram (@ausnewshound)
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