This image is part of a series called "Grocery Sculptures".
Religiously, every weekend I go to the grocery to buy fresh vegetables, fruits and tubers. Almost a year ago, I discovered a pepper with an unusual shape. At a particular angle, it looked like the sculpture of a woman's torso. I took it home and made some photographs; the result was so satisfactory that every weekend I take about an hour searching for my next grocery sculpture. My goal is to discover new shapes in the everyday life. A particular approach to the pareidolia phenomenon.
professional category

Xīcama Tototl (Single)
Andres Rozo is a professional designer, photographer and professor. He Studied Design and worked for agencies for some years, later he got involved in the academic world and decided to teach, so his career continued by studying an MA in Design and Art and later a research based MFA in Design. Photography came a little late, but for the last few years it has become his profession. Since 2008 his artistic career started with a video mapping installation, later came another and also various itinerant photography exhibitions nationally and internationally.
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