professional category
ZODIAC (Series)
The fashion story 'Zodiac' is inspired by the Chinese calendar especially paying attention to the new Chinese year of the rat which started January 25th, 2020. The rat is a symbol of wealth and surplus. It's clever and quick thinking which is why, according to the Chinese myth, it is the first of all zodiac animals. Red was chosen to be the main colour in this story, it can be found in the wardrobe and the lighting. In Chinese tradition, red stands for good luck. Stylist Izabela Macoch dressed model Lila Poter (ICONIC Mgmt) in colourful pieces, mostly covered with various prints and patterns. The styling is not typical Chinese but rather hinting at Asian traditional styles. On top of that hair & make-up artist Norbert Cheminel used original Chinese hair- and headpieces, but attached them in unconventional ways in order to create a modern and independent look with Chinese elements. The original story contains 18 images from which these five are the most relevant. They were edited by Aurora retouch and published in l'Officiel Lithuania in January 2020. The concept and photography are by Heidi Rondak.
*1988, Schopfheim, Germany
2011 – 2015 Communication Design Studies at HS Mannheim, Germany
2012 Exhibition at Raben Engel Odenwälder, Mannheim, Germany
2012 – 2013 Editor for komma Magazine
2013 Red Dot Award
2015 Exhibition of “BCD” at Banana Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
2015 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design with focus on Photography, Editorial Design and Film
2016 – 2017 Editor for Ajouré Magazine
since 2013 Freelance Fashion Photographer
since 2018 Photography Lecturer at CODE University
2011 – 2015 Communication Design Studies at HS Mannheim, Germany
2012 Exhibition at Raben Engel Odenwälder, Mannheim, Germany
2012 – 2013 Editor for komma Magazine
2013 Red Dot Award
2015 Exhibition of “BCD” at Banana Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
2015 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design with focus on Photography, Editorial Design and Film
2016 – 2017 Editor for Ajouré Magazine
since 2013 Freelance Fashion Photographer
since 2018 Photography Lecturer at CODE University
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