This photo represents mix of the past and present time. Modern outfit with vintage look and surreal flying hair bring the feeling of strange dream of traveling through the time.
I took this photo using single light with softbox. Camera Nikon D5, 1/160 sec., F. 3.2, 50mm, ISO 1600. Paper backdrop. Flying hair where captured with assistant help (assistant was holding hair and then let it go, at this moment I took photo). Post-processed in Photoshop.
professional category

Flying through the time (Single)
My name is Vera. Currently I live in USA but originally from Lithuania. I have two master's degrees (linguistics and law). I always liked photography. I bought my first DSLR camera about 15 years ago, however only couple of years ago my hobby became a true passion. I opened my small company VeraD Photography and joined Photographic Society of America and local Elgin Camera Club to learn photography and share my passion with others. I don't have many awards and still consider myself an amateur photographer. In 2018 I was a Winner Cover Image for PSA Facebook Image Competition 2018 and in 2019 participated in the local Art School Exhibition Art Exhibition Vincanity AirWays, Geneva, IL 2019. I am grateful for opportunity to participate in this contest.
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