professional category

Medallion III (Single)
A grown-up foetus is floating in an egg-shaped pond of soft water. A metaphor of life - of infinite growing and being new born. I wanted to catch an otherwordly moment. A glance at infinity.
2019 Finalist of Urban Photo Awards, dotART, with photograph 'Medallion III'
2018 ENSOR nomination Production Design – Best Costume Design for PATSER (GANGSTA) 2017 Nomination ‘Magritte du cinema 2017’, Best Costume Design for BLACK
2015 Award Andrei Ivaneanu for ARMORA
2014 Nomination 3rd Intervideo Young Talent Award, Germany
2014 Nomination Experimental Short Visual Piece at Interference Festival in Poland
2019 Publication of photograph 'Medallion III' on PhotoVogue Italia, april 2019
2019 Group exhibition, Exhibit Here's ART MAZE, The Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, London, UK
2019 Group exhibition, Trieste Photo Days, Finalist Urban Photo Awards 2019, Cormòns, Italy
2019 New Artist Fair, Old Truman Brewery, Shoreditch, London, UK
2016 'In het spoor van de meester: Andrei Ivaneanu', Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
2015 Mastershow Costume Design, DeStudio Antwerp, Belgium
2014 Group exhibition TIME PIECES at Nordstern Video Art Centre, Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2011 Menzis Jong Talent 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2011 AKI ArtEZ Graduation Show 2011, Enschede, The Netherlands
2011 Twente Biennale Hengelo, The Netherlands
2010 5th International Student Triennale Istanbul, Turkey
2010 Screening Frans-Nederlandse Ontmoetingsdagen, Paris, France
2010 3=6, Enschede, The Netherlands
2019 Finalist of Urban Photo Awards, dotART, with photograph 'Medallion III'
2018 ENSOR nomination Production Design – Best Costume Design for PATSER (GANGSTA) 2017 Nomination ‘Magritte du cinema 2017’, Best Costume Design for BLACK
2015 Award Andrei Ivaneanu for ARMORA
2014 Nomination 3rd Intervideo Young Talent Award, Germany
2014 Nomination Experimental Short Visual Piece at Interference Festival in Poland
2019 Publication of photograph 'Medallion III' on PhotoVogue Italia, april 2019
2019 Group exhibition, Exhibit Here's ART MAZE, The Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, London, UK
2019 Group exhibition, Trieste Photo Days, Finalist Urban Photo Awards 2019, Cormòns, Italy
2019 New Artist Fair, Old Truman Brewery, Shoreditch, London, UK
2016 'In het spoor van de meester: Andrei Ivaneanu', Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
2015 Mastershow Costume Design, DeStudio Antwerp, Belgium
2014 Group exhibition TIME PIECES at Nordstern Video Art Centre, Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2011 Menzis Jong Talent 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2011 AKI ArtEZ Graduation Show 2011, Enschede, The Netherlands
2011 Twente Biennale Hengelo, The Netherlands
2010 5th International Student Triennale Istanbul, Turkey
2010 Screening Frans-Nederlandse Ontmoetingsdagen, Paris, France
2010 3=6, Enschede, The Netherlands
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