professional category

Justice (Single)
This image is about the abuse of power and justice and how it goes hand in hand with the disparity of wealth distribution amongst Americans. Those who illegally "tip the scales of justice" in their favor by using their wealth/position and the repercussions that overflow onto those typically with less means. (Brought to light by such things as Me Too Movement and College admission bribery scandal and the fall out from the wall street/banking financial crisis). Those hurt often left to bare the weight. The abuse of justice is also what allows the wealth disparity to continue and those who bare the weight and have to compromise their choices. The back is representative of my own struggles in the current climate. Sometimes I feel my back will break and even bleed, but for the moment it endures.
Hannah Munroe is an American photographic storyteller and exhibiting artist. Her photographs are the product of the interchange between her private life and imaginative world.
Fusing her interest in design, fashion and portrait photography with her imaginative storytelling abilities she digitally merges multiple pictures together to create dramatic scenes around subjects that tell passionate and poignant tales.
Munroe began photography in 2014. She is self-taught and has been an active award winning member with Flagpole Photographers in Newtown, CT since October 2016.
Born in Massachusetts, she currently lives in Bethel, CT with her two school-age children.
October 2019
Solo Exhibition. Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, CT
August 10 - November 2, 2018
Solo Exhibition. Emerge. Gallery @287. Cultural Alliance of Western CT, 287 Main Street, Danbury, CT
April 13- May 26, 2018
Solo Exhibition. Emerge. Select images. Byrds Bookstore, Bethel, CT
March 2017, 2018, 2019
Group Exhibition. Wilton Arts Council Exhibition, Wilton Public Library, Wilton CT, USA
April 2017
Group Exhibition. Flagpole Photographers Club Annual Exhibition, Newtown Pubic Library, Newtown, CT
October 2016-Dec 2016
Group Exhibition. Bethel Art Space, Bethel CT, USA
Sept 2016-October 2016
Solo exhibition. Dynamic. Bethel Public Library, Bethel, CT, USA
Fusing her interest in design, fashion and portrait photography with her imaginative storytelling abilities she digitally merges multiple pictures together to create dramatic scenes around subjects that tell passionate and poignant tales.
Munroe began photography in 2014. She is self-taught and has been an active award winning member with Flagpole Photographers in Newtown, CT since October 2016.
Born in Massachusetts, she currently lives in Bethel, CT with her two school-age children.
October 2019
Solo Exhibition. Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, CT
August 10 - November 2, 2018
Solo Exhibition. Emerge. Gallery @287. Cultural Alliance of Western CT, 287 Main Street, Danbury, CT
April 13- May 26, 2018
Solo Exhibition. Emerge. Select images. Byrds Bookstore, Bethel, CT
March 2017, 2018, 2019
Group Exhibition. Wilton Arts Council Exhibition, Wilton Public Library, Wilton CT, USA
April 2017
Group Exhibition. Flagpole Photographers Club Annual Exhibition, Newtown Pubic Library, Newtown, CT
October 2016-Dec 2016
Group Exhibition. Bethel Art Space, Bethel CT, USA
Sept 2016-October 2016
Solo exhibition. Dynamic. Bethel Public Library, Bethel, CT, USA
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