professional category

Agony and Ecstasy (Single)
Selection from an editorial for The Creators Magazine
B.A. Art History, American University, 2005 (Feminist, Modern concentration). Extensive studio art background, predominantly painting. Self-taught in photography.
AI-AP 36: Selected Winner
Fine Art Photography Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Color Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Photography Awards 2019: Honorable Mention
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2014: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2017: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2018: Winner, Beauty
US Patent #5,366,070
AI-AP 36: Selected Winner
Fine Art Photography Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Color Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Photography Awards 2019: Honorable Mention
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2014: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2017: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2018: Winner, Beauty
US Patent #5,366,070
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