professional category

Spirit Animal (Single)
My entire life I have struggled with loving and valuing myself. So when I had discovered my 9 year old son found it hard to look at himself in the mirror, it cut me on such a deep level! He struggled with truly seeing himself because he cared so deeply about what others thought of him. Trying to live up to their perspectives instead of just being himself. So, I tried thinking about what might have helped me at his age and I had an idea. I asked what he thought his spirit animal was and I created this image of him. My hope was that when he looks at this portrait he is reminded of the strength and bravery he has deep inside him. That no matter what others may think of him, to always be true to himself and to call on the leopard whenever he may need him.
Hello! My name is Samantha and I'm a photographer from Michigan! I'm a Marine Corps Veteran and found photography after my service ended. My love and passion for photography started by taking pictures of abandoned homes with my cell phone as i drove through the countryside. Now 3 years later I can't imagine my life without it!
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