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Praying to a Criminal (Single)
I was in Bolivia looking at a shrine that was built to a 22 year old man that was a convicted drug dealer who was on drugs when he jumped off a bridge and committed suicide. Since his death 12 years ago people from all over the city of Cochabamba come to a shrine next to where he took his life. This shrine is where people come to pray to him, they give money to keep the flowers looking nice and burn offerings. A cholita woman came up and began praying to him and I got a picture of her while she was shading her face with her traditional hat. In the foreground are plastic bottles holding flowers with the woman in the background, seen through the flowers.
I grew up In Colorado, constantly getting out into the Rocky Mountains and exploring and pushing myself. I decided I wanted to pursue photography in 2011 on my first trip to Kenya. Since then I have travelled to almost 30 countries for photography. I studied Studio Art with an emphasis in photography as an undergrad at George Fox University and work as a photographer and videographer for an international non-profit.
Honorable Mention in Photographers Forum (2016) Spring 2016 Best of High School and College Photography Contest, received Honorable Mention and was published in the book Best of Photography 2016
WorldVenture (2016)
Honorable Mention in Photographers Forum (2016) Spring 2016 Best of High School and College Photography Contest, received Honorable Mention and was published in the book Best of Photography 2016
WorldVenture (2016)
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