I have developed my own photography technique with which I take photos that look like paintings only through quick undirected movements of the camera, similar to the ICM technique (Intentional Camera Movement).
In doing so, I use my camera to dive into the hidden world of everyday objects, dissolve their contours and, at the transition from the real to the fictional world, transform them into abstract images that stand out from their material reality.
As a continuation of my photography, I combine my photos into triptychs and thus create allegories on themes that engage me.
The triptych "FreeWay" stands for the path of liberation from suppressed feelings.
Whether one's own powers are used to defend oneself against supposed attacks and to keep hurt feelings under lock and key, or whether they are available for other things besides coping with everyday life, is decisive for the quality of life.
Only when we succeed in finding a way to accept the inner hurts that lie like a ghostly shadow on the soul and thus prepare a way for them to come to light, we have enough energy free for the beautiful things in life and can freely develop our potential.
amateur category
Triptych "FreeWay" (Series)
My craft roots lie in analogue documentary photography training and several years as a camera assistant.
25.JMCA, 1x B&W Category Winner, 1x Abstract Series;
BIFA 2024, 1x Bronze Winner Abstract Single;
19.B&W Spider Awards, Winner Abstract;
24.JMCA Category Winner, Other Theme series;
21.Pollux Awards Category Winner Nature Single;
ND Awards 2024 2x Hon.Ment., Fine Art Series;
PX3 2024 4xHon.Mention Fine Art;
10.FAPA 2024 2xNomination;
Luxembourg Art Prize Certificate 2024;
IPA 2024, 1x Off. Selection, Nature Series;
TIFA 2024, 1x Hon. Mention, Fine Art Single;
Aesthetica Art Prize 2024, Longlist Artist;
BIFA 2023, Silver Winner Macro;
17.Intern. Color Awards 2023, 1xNominee;
22.JMCA 3xHon.Mention;
ND Awards 2023, 1xHon.Mention;
The Royal Photographic Society IPE 165 Shortlisted 2023;
TIFA 2023 4xHon.Mention;
23.JMCA 4xHon.Mention Single
18 th B&W Spider Awards,
21th JMCA, 1xCategory Winner B&W Series;
16.Intern. Color Awards Nominee 2023
20th JMCA 10xHon.Mention
World of Women preselected by Trieste Photo Days 2022;
Monovision Photography Awards 2022, 1xHon.Mention;
19th JMCA Non-Prof 6xNominee;
TIFA 2020 2xHon.Mention;
15.Intern. Color Awards 2022, 1xNominee
IPA 2020 2xHon.Mention;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2024;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2023;
WOW Worlds of Women, Trieste Photo Days, Italy 2022;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2022;
Galerie Hafemann Wiesbaden 2021/2022;
25.JMCA, 1x B&W Category Winner, 1x Abstract Series;
BIFA 2024, 1x Bronze Winner Abstract Single;
19.B&W Spider Awards, Winner Abstract;
24.JMCA Category Winner, Other Theme series;
21.Pollux Awards Category Winner Nature Single;
ND Awards 2024 2x Hon.Ment., Fine Art Series;
PX3 2024 4xHon.Mention Fine Art;
10.FAPA 2024 2xNomination;
Luxembourg Art Prize Certificate 2024;
IPA 2024, 1x Off. Selection, Nature Series;
TIFA 2024, 1x Hon. Mention, Fine Art Single;
Aesthetica Art Prize 2024, Longlist Artist;
BIFA 2023, Silver Winner Macro;
17.Intern. Color Awards 2023, 1xNominee;
22.JMCA 3xHon.Mention;
ND Awards 2023, 1xHon.Mention;
The Royal Photographic Society IPE 165 Shortlisted 2023;
TIFA 2023 4xHon.Mention;
23.JMCA 4xHon.Mention Single
18 th B&W Spider Awards,
21th JMCA, 1xCategory Winner B&W Series;
16.Intern. Color Awards Nominee 2023
20th JMCA 10xHon.Mention
World of Women preselected by Trieste Photo Days 2022;
Monovision Photography Awards 2022, 1xHon.Mention;
19th JMCA Non-Prof 6xNominee;
TIFA 2020 2xHon.Mention;
15.Intern. Color Awards 2022, 1xNominee
IPA 2020 2xHon.Mention;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2024;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2023;
WOW Worlds of Women, Trieste Photo Days, Italy 2022;
Galerie FotoNostrum Barcelona Spain 2022;
Galerie Hafemann Wiesbaden 2021/2022;
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