The pandemic period we're living right now it's tough, we've lost every kind of bound with nature. We need to start over, and we need to do it with a pair of new eyes. We will feel again the softness of the flowers beneath our hands and it will be like the first time.
We need to start over, we need to do it with respect and dedication of what surrounds us.
amateur category
Point Zero (Series)
I'm Sara Vitale, Young woman from Pescara, Abruzzo. I attended to the IFA film school in Pescara, during the second year in the academy, I tried to improve my skills in directing with a camera and then I understood that I prefer photography than Cinematography.
I'm young, I can't say that I have a photographic style, but I can say about my love for portraiture
I'm young, I can't say that I have a photographic style, but I can say about my love for portraiture
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