The captured series of images portray self-expression of mankind creating meaningful proficiencies through which life is revealed. It reflects, expression, personal freedom, emotions, understanding of life and its fulfillment eventually.
This particular image captured relates to expressing perceptions and evoking emotions that tie us to life itself while illustrating how we echo people’s reflections time and again.
This image is a cohesive representation of reflections of humanity which is uncontainable, resilient and showcases the sight of our very own soul thatched together with humility.
In this image, I have tried to portray our relentless subliminal voice that recites to us of what transpired as a consequence of life’s manifestations and not fathoming that its truly what we choose to become as a result of our own deeds.
Reflecting todays poised woman who’s unapologetic for her femaleness and her femininity gaining respect not because she needs to be, rather deserved to be, on humanitarian grounds irrespective of cast / culture.
amateur category
My photography plays on contrast to induce a surreal and minimalistic world that surrounds us. The lack of color, the prominence of light reveal the acute synthesis of thought and image pursued by me. The minimal manipulation is used to strip the simplicity of the composition from external element obtained by combining balance, inspiration and construction of the image. My photography reflects interests in varied forms of art and its endless variations, subjects and forms created in my own very mind by absorbing the landscape and leaving in it the image of what my own soul brings together while the absence of colors accentuates the expressive power of the image itself whose interpretation becomes a medium of subtle yet artistic expression of solitude.
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