Incredible example of flower power was shown in Belarus. In a very hard time for our country women stoped violence of police against people demonstrating the endless love, standing with flowers along the main roads. Dressed in white they greeted all cars with flowers and cars answered them with signals. This peaceful protest against president dictator Lukashenko was named “flower revolution”.
5 days in every city of Belarus women of all ages, even the pregnant ones, or with babies on their hands were standing all day long with flowers up. The atmosphere of love and support, peace appeal to every heart calmed down aggression.
The goal of this peaceful protest was to prevent the possible civil war, because all the country was ready to fierce resistance because of the brutal political arrests, and tortures of people, numerous violations of human rights.
Peaceful actions were supported by the whole country and there was a parade of freedom and then woman parad with almost 200 000 of people in Minsk the capital of Belarus.
Flowers became a symbol of humanity, love, peace and freedom.
I believe flowers are stronger than bullets, love is stronger than weapon. Love will save the world
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Flower Revolution (Single)
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