La fotografía está inspirada en el 'Ensayo sobre la ceguera' de Saramago. En el 'Ensayo sobre la ceguera' el autor nos alerta sobre la responsabilidad de tener ojos, cuando otros los perdieron. En esta imagen, aterradora y conmovedora, trato de recrear los tiempos que estamos viviendo. ¿En un mundo así cabrá alguna esperanza?
The photograph is inspired by Saramago's 'Essay on Blindness'. In the 'Essay on blindness' the author alerts us to the responsibility of having eyes, when others lost them. In this terrifying and moving image, I try to recreate the times we are living in. In such a world will there be any hope?
amateur category

Ceguera (Single)
I am an amateur photographer. I especially enjoy portraits and diptychs as they allow you to add meaning to individual images. I have made two individual exhibitions and four group exhibitions. I was nominated for the 2020 Fine Art Photo Awards and selected for the 2021 PhotoEspaña Artists Viewing.
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