amateur category

This sitter, Viv, came to my home studio for a personal photo shoot session. This particular image was taken to capture the simplicity of a portrait, stripped down to some bare essentials, with the subject shirtless and one single continuous light to the side. The sitter was a great subject too for this shot, with his skin tone and cropped afro adding to the tonal monochrome simplicity. The single light source highlights areas to the right on the sitter, graduating away to the darker tones to the left, with the light picking up the sheen on his body and then to the alternate texture of skin on his face and fine lines on his hand. I was very pleased with the results, achieving what I set out to do, capturing a simple but striking portrait using the barest essentials both to shoot with and in the sitter.
I am currently an Amateur level Photographer ( also a Make Up Artist & Stylist ) with a focus in Fashion, Beauty & general Portrait work, but also with an interest in outdoor photography. Looking to elevate my status to Professional. I am a member of the photographer's global interactive community website - and in the last few years, I've been a Winner, Runner Up or Finalist in 11 of their photo Contests and Challenges and I frequently finish in the top 10% ( the website membership is worldwide, so often there are 10's of thousands of entries ). I've also been a Finalist in 2 of The Make Up Show photo Competitions ( Orlando & Dallas, USA ). In 2019, I was invited by the owner of a small hotel in Turkey to take flower photos to compliment the colour themes in each of the hotel bedrooms, the photos were printed on canvass in various sizes, the largest being 1.4 metres square and are now hanging proudly in 9 hotel rooms. In addition to my website, I have an additional galleries showcasing my more of my work : at & my outdoor work at
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