amateur category

Wakened from the Cloud of Reading (Single)
This image is from my ongoing series, “Marion under the Moon.” The images in this series are set in natural or simulated night-time settings, and have involved the use of a great variety of flash techniques and lighting gear, sometimes as many as ten portable flash units and as many differing kinds of light modifiers at once. All of the photographs feature the same woman, Marion, with her face always turned away from the camera or partly "veiled," manifesting her differing aspects and guises and mysteries, her transformations. I aim to evoke not only hers in particular, but modes and moods of virtually all women (and in truth, I hope, of men, too, though they may be less inclined to feel it). No series featuring Marion could reasonably fail to include in some way her love of reading, which this work does.
Sloan Scholar for the Humanities at the University of Michigan; received MFA from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Received various Prizes, Honorable Mentions, or Prize Nominations in the international Fine Art Photography Awards (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019); International Photography Awards (2023, 2022, 2015); International COLOR Awards (2023, 2022, 2021); reFocus Color Photography Awards (2023); reFocus World Photo Annual Awards (2023); and Analog Sparks International Film Photography Awards (2023). Work selected (multiple times each) for numerous juried exhibitions of the Center for Photographic Art (Carmel, CA), the Center for Fine Art Photography (Fort Collins, CO), New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC), PhotoPlace Gallery (Middlebury, VT), Praxis Gallery (Minneapolis, MN), Black Box Gallery (Portland, OR), The Atlanta Photography Group Gallery (Atlanta, GA), A Smith Gallery (TX), and other venues. Photographs published in F-Stop Magazine, The Photo Review (Annual International Competition issue); COLOR Magazine (Merit Award), Shadow & Light Magazine, and other publications.
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