amateur category

Guarding Antiquity (Single)
I first started taking photographs seriously in 1967 with my inexpensive Yashica Mat twin lense reflex, a camera that I loved for its 2 1/4 square negative and the fact that I was looking down into a box and not pointing a long intimidating lense at the subject. Since I was mostly interested in people it was perfect. Everything I shot was in black and white, which I still prefer. Now I shoot only 35 and only digital. So something has been gained but something has also been lost.
Up until last year, I showed my work to almost no one. Last year I launched a website and started to enter online photo contests. I won three honorable mentions earlier this year for Monovision. I've been enjoying the process.
Up until last year, I showed my work to almost no one. Last year I launched a website and started to enter online photo contests. I won three honorable mentions earlier this year for Monovision. I've been enjoying the process.
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