L’Urbex (Urban Exploration) devient mon sujet favori et je suis intarissable là dessus : faire revivre les lieux abandonnés pour que chacun de nous puisse en imaginer leur histoire est sans aucun doute ma plus belle quête.
Cette véritable vocation m’est venue en navigant à travers la toile déjà bien remplie de photographies de ce genre; envouté, subjugué par ces lieux abandonnés et l’histoire qui s’en dégageait ,du moins celle que chacun peut imaginer, je trouvais qu’il manquait un supplément d’âme à tous ces clichés... Sans prétention aucune, je me suis alors donné comme objectif de faire vibrer le spectateur comme moi même à chaque fois que je pénètre dans les mystères de ces murs...du stress, de l’angoisse, de l’émerveillement, de la joie...tout une palette d’émotions qui fait de ma photo une véritable oeuvre dont moi seul a le secret et que je nomme aujourd’hui « Artex », mélange de l’art au service de l’exploration.
A votre tour d’être entrainé par la quête émotionnelle de cette image authentique....Bon voyage à travers le temps...
professional category
Artex (Series)
Fabien Sans is an artist with a multitude of skills that have never ceased to evolve.
He was initially drawn to sketching and painting whilst studying at the university of Beaux Arts, Toulouse, before joining the well known Graphic Design School in the "Pink City"' to fulfil his artistic ambitions.
Fabien's art grew and became more confident over time, which lead him to exhibit his art in a gallery in Brooklyn, New York. At the same time he also won the Beaux Arts Academy award "Legay Lebrun" in Paris.
Although unsure at the time, upon reflection, he is certain that this was the moment that shaped his career, a moment that he will treasure forever.
Fabien's calling however, came from following his passion for capturing beauty, a route that found him becoming more and more expressive through the media of photography.
"Urban Exploration" is his favorite subject and the photos will not be slowing down any time soon. Through his photography he is able to bring abandoned buildings and other memorable places back to life so that it becomes easy for the spectator to imagine their past. This is without doubt his best work.
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