This series was created on the first few weeks of the lockdown in Manila, Philippines. It highlights the non discriminatory nature of the pandemic where it can affect people in all walks of life. Nobody is safe.
It highlights the importance of not underestimating the disease which is a common fault of people who are under going such an experience for the first time. Looking back in the past few months we can clearly see that this has been the case and it has greatly contributed to the increasing number of cases locally and abroad.
professional category
Anyone Can Be Infected (Series)
Dar is a photographer from Manila, Philippines. She likes making portraits of different characters, concepts as well as of herself. She also explores the art of creating cyanotypes and experimenting with cameraless photography. She had her first solo exhibition titled Romantic Browns at Pineapple Lab, Makati on 2018 and her first international group show exhibit titled Light Sensitive at Arizona, USA on 2019.
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