professional category
Blink (Single)
Part of an editorial for 33 Magazine designed to take "traditional" beauty imagery and twist them to make the viewer slightly uncomfortable.
B.A. Art History, American University, 2005 (Feminist, Modern concentration). Extensive studio art background, predominantly painting. Self-taught in photography.
AI-AP 36: Selected Winner
Fine Art Photography Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Color Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Photography Awards 2019: Honorable Mention
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2014: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2017: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2018: Winner, Beauty
US Patent #5,366,070
AI-AP 36: Selected Winner
Fine Art Photography Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Color Awards 2020: Honorable Mention
International Photography Awards 2019: Honorable Mention
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2014: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2017: Winner, Beauty
PDN Magazine, "The Look" Competition 2018: Winner, Beauty
US Patent #5,366,070
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