La escalera, desde un punto de vista práctico, es una construcción diseñada para comunicar varios espacios situados a diferentes alturas.
También ha sido considerada como un símbolo de la progresión hacia el saber, de la ascensión hacia la progresión y la transfiguración. Como un camino a la sabiduría, la escalera elevada al cielo habla del conocimiento exotérico, consciente y divino, mientras que la que desciende a la tierra es la del conocimiento esotérico, de lo oculto y de lo inconsciente.
En “Stahlraum” (significa espacio de acero en Alemán), se produce una transformación de ese espacio de escaleras, convirtiéndolo en diferentes formas de seguir el camino. Trásladándonos a diferentes planos, niveles e incluso laberintos, como un símil de nuestra propia vida, de esa ansiada búsqueda del conocimiento, de la experiencia y transfiguración. De este especial momento que estamos viviendo y en el que no sabemos realmente a donde nos conduce.
(Transformación de las escaleras del edificio "Caixa Forum en Madrid" en homenaje a sus arquitectos, los Austriaco-Alemanes Herzog y De meuron.)
professional category
STAHLRAUM / (La Transformación) (Series)
Linked to the arts from an early age, Chamizo studied in several schools of photography between 1977 and 1980. And it was in 1980 when he inaugurated his first exhibition.
Jesus Chamizo has found new forms of expression, space and a different dimension through his research in different photographic areas as well as in the combination of concept, technology and creativity.
Chamizo has been awarded numerous national and international prizes such as Sun, Cannes, Lux, FIAP, Epica, N. York Festival.
The most recent awards are 6 prizes in the “INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2018” In the “Architecture” and “Fine Arts” categories, with “Glass Memories” and “Geometrical” series.
My concern is to reflect the footprint that humans leave in their environment, and how that environment influences him in the perception of what apparently present but while transporting us to a moment that may be part of the immediate past or nearest future.
Spaces man builds, lives, which is integrated as influence each other are the three basic pillars that my photography is centered.
In architecture, always present in human history and has just become his hallmark.
In the landscape, space required and influential in the history of man, but man cares
Jesus Chamizo has found new forms of expression, space and a different dimension through his research in different photographic areas as well as in the combination of concept, technology and creativity.
Chamizo has been awarded numerous national and international prizes such as Sun, Cannes, Lux, FIAP, Epica, N. York Festival.
The most recent awards are 6 prizes in the “INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2018” In the “Architecture” and “Fine Arts” categories, with “Glass Memories” and “Geometrical” series.
My concern is to reflect the footprint that humans leave in their environment, and how that environment influences him in the perception of what apparently present but while transporting us to a moment that may be part of the immediate past or nearest future.
Spaces man builds, lives, which is integrated as influence each other are the three basic pillars that my photography is centered.
In architecture, always present in human history and has just become his hallmark.
In the landscape, space required and influential in the history of man, but man cares
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