The series was produced after a tragic fire that took place in the intensive care unit for infectious diseases of a hospital caused by an explosion. Several patients died tied up to their beds and locked in the room. The event is one of many in the last years that lead to suspicions and testimonies about the health care system, revealing inhumane patient treatments. Due to the protocols, in the last years, the Sacred Orthodox Christian Burial Ceremonies were forbidden, and the deceased were thrown naked in plastic bags.
I have chosen to shoot the images in ultraviolet light to emphasize the forensic procedure and
depict a photographic artistic interpretation of each personal story or testimony, that was silenced by fear.
The work highlights the spiritual part of a human being, all forgotten in the scientific and political protocols, and the necessity of the sacred ceremonies of life and death.
amateur category
Silent Screams (Series)
Daciana Lipai is a Romanian conceptual fine art photographer, poet, and author of The Photo Poetry Book. She presents her art in photopoems, a beautiful combination of written poems, conceptualized in photographs. Her work has been awarded and published in various journals, magazines, books, and exhibited in galleries.
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