Our fashion editorial shooting is inspired by the classic Japanese anime character Maho-shoujo, the "magical girl." The main character traits first appeared in Japanese cartoons of the 60s. After the release of the first film in this genre, the format began to enjoy great popularity, acquiring details and replicating other production studios.
The main character Maho-shoujo is a girl with supernatural powers, which she uses to fight against evil forces. The heroine, for various reasons, must hide her abilities from others, which leads her to the need to lead a double life.
The early anime has its own special atmosphere of magic, "seeking truth and justice", enchanted houses and magical talking beasts. And it's always a story about the formation of character, about growing up, first friendship and first love.
Photography is usually considered as a way to convey reality but staged photography tells us a different truth. It is the courage to find your point of view on familiar things and to create worlds that momentarily flash with inner magic and tell us their stories. Photography is a bit like cooking: you take ingredients and mix them - color, characters, props, surroundings - and you get a new world
amateur category
I am a photographer and designer from Moscow, working in the genre of staged photography, creating projects about people and stories. Each of my series is a version of what life could be like if I were a different person like a traveler, a re-enactor, a historian at Cairo University, a representative of the Miao people around Luang Prabang, or the owner of a baroque mansion in 19th century London.
A photographer can look behind closed doors and encounter other cultures and professions. So in my shoots I immerse myself in a whole spectre of themes with their accents, aesthetics and meanings. I try everything that attracts me and seems to be a parallel universe.
2018-2019 British School of Art & Design
2005-2011 University of Tourism & Service, Graphic Design
A photographer can look behind closed doors and encounter other cultures and professions. So in my shoots I immerse myself in a whole spectre of themes with their accents, aesthetics and meanings. I try everything that attracts me and seems to be a parallel universe.
2018-2019 British School of Art & Design
2005-2011 University of Tourism & Service, Graphic Design
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